
This is a quick briefing of Japan’s past and how “comfort women” and comfort stations came about. Japan had a very isolationist mentality and had shut itself away from the world since 1603 for 200 years. It was until 1868 when the Meiji Restoration had taken effect. This is where control of the country was turned over to the direct imperial rule under Mutsuhito, the emperor Meiji. This brought modernization and Westernization of the country. During this time, Japan was the first Asian industrialized nation.


Japan and Qing China had gone into war due to the interest of supremacy of Korea. Japan wins the First Sino-Japanese War, and had acquired Taiwan as well.

Japan had expanded his empire with taiwan because of Qing China lots during the First Sino-Japanese War. However, the war broke out because Qing China and Japan were really fighting about supremacy in Korea.

By 1905 the Russo-Japanese War broke out because both of the countries wanted dominance in Korea and Manchuria. Japan wins, able to acquire resources from both areas, but has not fully establish them as part of the empire.


The Mukden Incident was staged by the Japanese which helped Japan to invade Manchuria, making Manchukuo a puppet state. Also during this time Korea was annexed.


The Second Sino-Japanese war breaks out between China and Japan. As Japan looks to conquer more land to help its growing empire and has decided to creep into China’s territory. Within that year Japan gains Shanghai.


Japan obtains Hong Kong. They also creep more into Chinese territory.


France fell to Germany, the Japanese took the occasion to advance in French Indonesia, taking Hanoi, Thailand, and Burma. By September 27, 1940, Japan signs the Tripartite Pact with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.


Japan has control over French Indonesia, British Malaysia, the Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines.