Week 3 – Skeleton of Video

Still Debating on the fonts, showing a distinctive difference between Jordan and Naomi... but they're both angry so DIM Condensed seems fitting enough.
Possibly masked two iconic photographs for Italy or California.
Having the block of text mimic a building for "condo complex"
Increasing font sizes more for dynamic in certain parts of the dialogue that isn't feeling the same as the ones that already show the dynamic already.
Possibly crowning the word "Duchess" to imply how importance she doesn't want Jordan to call her Duchess at that very moment
the word "flew" will fly up mimicing the movement Make 'Bullshit' mimic the movement of the helicopter floating at the top of the screen then dropping when Jordan falls into the water. Possibly making propellers and water splashes as the words fall
have the text roll out as if you're laying grass down on a lawn for "Burmuda Grass" Greek Tragedy possibly form the words on that screen to shape a "sad mask" you'd see at a theather. If not a vectored Mask rolling onto the screen seems fitting.
Also if I have time I might extend this clip and finish to their first "fuck you" by Naomi.