Week 7 –

Layout 1

Layout 2

PSD File
I did a lot of research for my inspiration. I'm pretty torn on a layout I'd like to pick but narrowed it town to these two.
Each page would showcase a scene from the movie. These two layouts are pretty similar because they showcase more of the imagrey from a movie. The only difference is between the menubar and how it is handled through the entire website.

I really like how the Interstellar website makes use of a side navigator and the transition between each link, which is smooth and almost effortless. I also enjoy the transition between the pages, which can echo similar part of my video as the image itself slides upwards.

However, I also enjoyed this feature in the Fifty Shades of Grey website where they use a similar slide through of each page. However, I did not enjoy their scolling page because it seem jagged and not fluid with their top part of their layout. I rather keep it simplistic and possibly keep the indicator diamonds at the bottom of the page as possibly the menu instead of the huge menu at the very top that I show in layout 2. Also, I'd like to emphasized that I would rather use the sliding transition top half of their website than completely using their scrolling (up and down).