Week 8 –

Began working out the details onto the actual website. Playing around with opacity with the page div to indicate space. Will have to play around with different backgrounds as I intend to do if I don't do it by tomorrow(Wednesday) morning. Also I'm having problems with scrolling. On my website. Cleaned up my navigation. Debating about moving my entire drop-drown menu for 'Journal' to a simple to click links through the Journal page, then have another nav for the journal pages.

as for critque:
Website was shown before changing the fonts.

Critque #1:
Oh yeah if that's the case then you're like there you just gotta change the font and maybe change the color of the week labels over the white back whn you hover over background hover over journal*** (dropdown box)
like i'm not sure if it's just me or what but when I first initially saw that, I thought it was a glitch, Like the white box just popping up
I hope I was helpful and not too critical
Like I really like how it looks
I really like the concept

Critque #2:
[10/25/16, 10:22:02 PM] sharon: the navigation part
[10/25/16, 10:22:17 PM] sharon: the yellow part seems so thick
[10/25/16, 10:22:25 PM] sharon: and the colour font of the weeks
[10/25/16, 10:23:30 PM] sharon: other than that it looks good to me
[10/25/16, 10:23:36 PM] sharon: simple, not much to add
Deeply noted for future reference.

Critque #3:
Enjoys the layout, yet thought it could use more content. However, for him it shows that my video is overlapping Leonardo's face.